Tag: nostalgia

  • Various and et cetera, April ’24 edition

    Various and et cetera, April ’24 edition

    Time magazine is no longer a serious publication. But you knew that already. Behold, the crisis in modern journalism as told in four covers: Everyone knows the only point of all the gazillion celebrity awards shows out there is to let the organizers party and hobnob with the celebrities. That’s it. And it’s no different…

  • The death of community and MAGA

    The death of community and MAGA

    Note: this is effectively a preabmble for a forthcoming series on the Eighty Year Crisis. A while ago ago, professional internet troll Matt Yglesias touched off a bit of a public debate on that one emotion that only grows in power starting in our mid-20s or so, nostalgia. It’s what has everyone from politicians to…