Why Star Citizen will be this gaming generation’s Daikatana

People with an interest in gaming will eventually hear the tale of Daikatana, one of the biggest failures in the industry’s history. It was hyped to be the biggest game ever, with the most infamous ad campaign before or since, and promptly cratered upon release.

Obituaries of the game and its studio, Ion Storm, pepper the internet; two examples may be found here and here. Even people who have zero interest in gaming should take note for the lessons in how to fail as a start-up operation.

The firm was founded by an industry veteran with a number of pioneering games under his belt. It was initially funded by a huge budget which led the inexperienced CEO towards all kinds of outrageous expenditures and cost-overruns, as the release date got pushed back year after year. The corporate culture was flat-out malignant, with turnover rates beyond your local McDonald’s and internal squabbles playing out in the gaming media. The company continued to promise the moon despite numerous and ever-lengthier delays, and despite major competitors hitting the market in the meantime.

The exact same could be said about a new game under development, Star Citizen. ’90s gaming legend Chris Roberts takes the place of Daikatana’s ’90s gaming legend John Romero, and Roberts’ studio Cloud Imperium Games filling in for Ion Storm. Initially announced in 2012 with a stated release goal of 2014, Roberts’ project Star Citizen has been delayed repeatedly and now currently has a goal of 2017. Ion Storm boasted a ridiculous, penthouse office space that reportedly ran over $1 million a month in rent, and those are 1997 dollars. CIG, for unclear reasons, now boasts offices in no fewer than five locations that don’t sound very cost-conscious: Santa Monica, West Hollywood, Frankfurt, Austin and Manchester, UK. (I await the sixth location in SoHo.) The culture sounds even worse than Ion Storm’s jungle warfare, and I say this as a refugee from the most malignant residency program in the United States. I know what a shit workplace looks like!

And finally, both equally promise the moon. Romero’s vision of Daikatana would have been ambitious for 2015, let alone 1997. And Roberts’ features pages opens with the following quote: “I don’t want to build a game. I want to build a universe.”

From the mind of Chris Roberts, acclaimed creator of Wing Commander and Freelancer, comes STAR CITIZEN. 100% crowd funded, Star Citizen aims to create a living, breathing science fiction universe with unparalleled immersion… and you’re invited to follow every step of development! More than a space combat sim, more than a first person shooter and more than an MMO: Star Citizen is the First Person Universe that will allow for unlimited gameplay.

This is a boast that brings to mind another, unfortunate space game from history’s scrapheap.

ha! see what I did there?
ha! see what I did there?

And about that crowdfund line: This is the one difference between the two Titanic projects. While Romero initially funded Ion Storm the old-fashioned way, Star Citizen is almost entirely funded by crowdsourcing from Kickstarter and the like. Gamers are so desperate for a good space game that they literally gave Roberts over $90 million to date — with no return on investment — just to see one hit the market. This has been a genre that has lain fallow, with the last major title being 2003’s MMO game EVE, and people may be forgiven for getting sick of all the Destiny of Duty Battlefield FPS titles while still wanting something a bit meatier than an iPhone game.

That said, I still don’t get the point of crowdfunding in the interests of a for-profit enterprise. Give Zach Braff no-strings-attached money and you get a movie that made Garden State seem like When Harry Met Sally by comparison. Similarly, with no investors to keep him in line, the grapevine says the project is falling apart. Rumors of Roberts giving himself an extravagant salary and otherwise squandering his funds are rife. His wife is reportedly even worse and appears to have all the charisma and joy of Hillary Clinton. I doubt I would invest with people like this, but just hand them money with nothing in return?

What is wrong with you people?

Meanwhile, two major competitors have revealed products out long before 2017, echoing how Daikatana got upstaged by the original Half-life. Elite: Dangerous, while not nearly as ambitious in scope as SC, delivers a solid space-flight experience that is out now. As in, go buy it on Steam right this second and it’s not even an “early release” beta, now. And No Man’s Sky, probably out within a year, has absolutely captivated even the mainstream media, with outlets up to and including the New Yorker and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert bathing it with coverage as positive as SC’s is negative. When SC finally shambles onto Steam or whatever in 2017 (or 2019 — let’s be realistic), it will get laughed off the stage faster than Duke Nukem Forever.

Roberts has vigorously denied many of these claims, threatening to sue The Escapist, whose story on them was even harsher than those of Joystiq and Kotaku. But he cannot deny fundamental and well-documented problems remaining that point to another Daikatana in the making: the profligate real estate expenses; the workplace turnover and the vengeful former employees, whether they are being honest or not; Roberts’ incredible boasts that seem impossible to fulfill, promising lightyears beyond what competitors are delivering yet with nothing to show so far; endless delays; damning media coverage; Nixonian levels of paranoia (why on earth is Roberts obsessed with Derek Smart?). No matter what Roberts’ lawyers say: this is Ion Storm all over again.

This is why I would never, ever pay to crowdfund anything for-profit. And besides, the most fun from this game is absolutely free: watching one of the industry’s biggest egos, who has learned absolutely nothing from John Romero’s debacle, crash and burn all over the online gaming media.


5 responses to “Why Star Citizen will be this gaming generation’s Daikatana”

  1. Zelph Avatar

    Star citizen will prevail as it already has. You won’t get to laugh like you imagine.

  2. Leonard J Krabbs Avatar

    I agree with Zelph, Star Citizen will continue to prevail as it currently is: a buggy unplayable mess with near zero content that didn’t come packaged with the stock cryengine.

    The jpegs are pretty though.

  3. Connor Dogood Avatar
    Connor Dogood

    Well-stated and well-written, a very good read, couldn’t agree with you more. The parallels between Chris Roberts/Sandi Gardiner and John Romero/Stevie Case are undeniable, though to be fair to Killcreek at least she is a real gamer.

    Like everyone else I was excited about Star Citizen when I first heard about it I think like three years ago. Upon further scrutiny though I found some things about the project that were very troubling. For one thing the whole idea of concept ship sales is so wrong in so many ways, and the fact that they have raised so much money from it seems to validate the classic H.L. Mencken quote about how “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” Further, I was very annoyed at an early stage by the arrogance of the community and the way they would strike back against any perceived criticism, no matter how minor or benign, of the game or his nibs Chris Roberts. It seemed that in any forum where it was discussed in less than glowing terms the SC cultists would always have the last word and parrot their “You know nothing of game development” or “you’re an idiot” mantras. .

    Also, am I the only one who thinks that Chris Roberts’ scifi writing is awful? I mean, he rips off the worst, cheesiest cliched-ridden ideas from Star Wars and Top Gun, and yet fans rave about him as if he were some god of game storytelling. On a related note, that Gary Oldman Squadron 42 bit was so bad it was cringe worthy, what with the bad CGI, squeaky voice, and jingoistic patriotism. And don’t get me started on Roberts hiring all those A list actors while ignoring bigger priorities like actually making a playable and fun game. His arrogance and conceit knows no bounds, and I think it’s true what the Escapist article said about how although Roberts failed in Hollywood, he never made peace with that.

    Another thing I find very annoying is the way the so-called gaming press (Erik Kain at Forbes, Bree Royce at Massively, et al) keep giving Star Citizen a pass year after year despite mounting evidence that something is indeed rotten in Denmark. The gaming press is indeed beyond timid when it comes to drawing blood, but once they smell blood in the water they become a pack of sharks. Is it any wonder that gamergate is still very much alive and well?

    On a broader note, agree completely with what you said about how crowdfunding of for profit organizations is just plain wrong. Speaking of which, are you aware that Roberts’ buddy from Origin, Richard ‘Lord British’ Garriot, is also is running a Kickstarter mmo project? He’s another one that takes the cake. I mean, here’s a guy who paid the Russians 20 million to take him into space, and yet here he is asking gamers for money as if he were a bum on the street corner. The lunatics have indeed taken over the asylum.

    Concerning the evil Derek Smart, 😉 I agree with what the Escapist editor said about how Derek is a snarky b****d, but that is no reason to reject his controversial views on Star Citizen out of hand. Further, it is truly amazing and very telling that one person can so thoroughly rattle Chris Roberts, his multi-million dollar corporation, to say nothing of the large number of Star Citizen cultists.

    Sorry if I went on a bit long here. Your excellent article caused a lot of lights to go off in my head. As a parting note, I would say that the Star Citizen project is the worst case of the emperor’s new clothes that I’ve seen in recent memory.

    1. forbiddencomma Avatar

      Yes, that point about the cliched writing is especially true. This passed muster in the early ’90s with Wing Commander, when simply getting to fly as a space fighter was all the draw you needed, but these days, with Elite on the market and No Man’s Sky almost so, you need just a tad bit more.
      And yeah, Derek Smart may not be a great person, but the fact that he rattled Chris Roberts to this extent says far more about Roberts than it does about Smart!

      1. Connor Dogood Avatar
        Connor Dogood

        Yes, the whole situation with Star Citizen is very sad. Speaking as someone who has pretty much burned himself out on the mmo space theme parks (mostly SWTOR and Star Trek Online), I would love to see a deep and sandboxy space mmo hit the market, but alas it appears that Star Citizen isn’t going to be it.

        Speaking of sandboxes, I tried EVE several times, but despite its wonderful dark ambiance and beautiful music and visuals, it felt too much like a job (spreadsheets in space???), and it does seem like schadenfreude is one of the game’s major requirements.

        You mentioned Dave Braben’s Elite Dangerous. I never liked ‘truck’ games where you spend your whole time in your ship. That said, I hear they will shortly be adding full-bodied human avatars, and when that happens I will most likely take the plunge. In any event I am encouraged by how Braben seemed to launch a solid and stable game, albeit a bit content light at first, and has since been steadily improving it and adding content. BTW, I’d read somewhere that although Chris Roberts and Braben are supposedly friends, Chris is furious at how with each Elite expansion that game pulls farther and farther ahead of his own., Braben does seem to be quietly humiliating his erstwhile buddy.

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