Tag: Jessica Jones

  • Waiting for the next Jessica Jones season and…

    The Netflix Marvel universe has been a mixed bag, to put it mildly. Luke Cage best represents the highs and lows of the shows so far: a stellar first half, paired with a regrettable second half. A big reason why: the intricate villain of the first several episodes, Cottonmouth, with complex and relateable motivations, was…

  • Jessica Jones and Surviving Abuse 2: Massive Spoilers Edition

    I’m serious. The following contains spoilers for the entire season 1 of Jessica Jones. Continue reading at your own risk! My original, spoiler-free remarks may be found here.

  • Disjointed thoughts coming off vacation

    I don’t want to be coming off vacation. It’s odd, rooting for Hillary to be savior of the Republic. There are two scenarios for the ’16 race: either Trump wins the GOP nomination, or else he splits off into a third-party bid. Either way, HRC wins. Trump didn’t create this movement out of thin air.…

  • Jessica Jones and surviving abuse

    (Spoiler-free beyond what’s in the preview materials.) Netflix’s second Marvel show has taken a darker turn than any comic-book show or film in recent memory. Not even Gotham comes close to hitting the emotional nerves punched by Jessica Jones; Gotham delights in its zany criminals and serial killers and holds them up as the true…