Tag: #politics

  • The death of community and MAGA

    The death of community and MAGA

    Note: this is effectively a preabmble for a forthcoming series on the Eighty Year Crisis. A while ago ago, professional internet troll Matt Yglesias touched off a bit of a public debate on that one emotion that only grows in power starting in our mid-20s or so, nostalgia. It’s what has everyone from politicians to…

  • Various and et cetera, March ’24 edition

    Various and et cetera, March ’24 edition

    programming note: this is part of a series of three unrelated mini-posts, the topmost of which is always guaranteed not to be about politics. promise! My patient the other day was a 27 year old female “Carla” here for routine STI testing. She stated she had one partner, had no symptoms at the time, and…

  • Why this specific old man, though?

    Even now, I don’t get it. I don’t get why conservatives exhibit only ever deepening love for the host of Celebrity Apprentice to the point that none dare directly challenge him. Why? Some attempt to explain it by the power of the ochre idol’s “charm.” What charm? What the hell am I missing? This is…

  • Magical thinking and hydroxychloroquine

    When the U.S. History courses one hundred years from now reach the Covid-19 lecture, there will be one of those “humorous yet informative” postscripts that professors enjoy, at the end of the holographic PowerPoint slides being beamed into their students’ cerebral cortexes by the benevolent Planetary AI (or carved onto whittleboard, the few remaining pupils…

  • Random thoughts, March 2020

    I follow MMFA media critic and trans activist Parker Molloy on twitter. She’s witty and often makes great points. And while she’s clearly on the left side of the left, she wasn’t in the tank for any candidate (well, until Warren dropped out and left her with only one option, I suppose). And she writes…

  • The stupidest authoritarian timeline

    The stupidest authoritarian timeline

    Word is that one of the president’s men — no, not some agent of the deep state, but a guy specifically hired by the Ochre Joker — will confirm the quid pro quo demanded of Ukraine to Congress today. What will Republicans do? Admit their error? Say that, ok, our Great Leader made a mistake…

  • The slide to fascism, the hatred of liberalism, and #MAGA voters

    Kevin Williamson — a writer whom, admittedly, is not to be trusted — has a column out warning against “send her back” and the desire of Trump voters to strip the citizenship of Rep. Ilhan Omar. Her crimes? A) being a brown person born in Somalia, b) her lefty politics and c) being an Israel-obsessed…

  • The Party of Trump

    Ramesh Ponnuru pushes back on the idea that the GOP, meaning the actual politicians in Congress as opposed to the base, is now the Party of Trump. “He’s got a lot of [sway], no question,” Ponnuru writes. “But the extent to which the Republican party has become a cult of Trump is often exaggerated… Trump…

  • In the end, they will always kneel

    Do soybean farmers hurt by Trump’s trade wars still support him? FARMER 1: “I do. I’m a good American. I believe we all have to toe the line.” Link. And: Ouch. So much for that rugged American individualism and traditional skepticism of authority. But that’s not the worst of it: INTERVIEWER: “You’re willing to weather…

  • Adoration and Rage

    A reasonable defense of Trump, from a conservative, might go something like this: “You may ask why I like a son of a bitch like Donald Trump, and the answer is: hell no, do I like the lying cheating son of a bitch. He’s crooked, he’s racist, he has no idea what he’s doing with…